Simply wrap foam boards with fabric, staple or pin in place, and hang. This last one is an inexpensive alternative to the diptych and triptych wall-art trend. For those who aren’t particularly crafty: The only thing required for this art is a few photos from your Instagram feed.ĥ. The only things you need are branches, shadowbox frames and a glue gun.Ĥ. This one is about as inexpensive as it gets. The trellis-inspired art on the wall is actually a pair of spray-painted rubber door mats. Buy some fabric, secure between two embroidery hoops, trim the excess, and hang!Ģ. Looking for a wallet-friendly way to spruce up your walls (or just a creative outlet)? Here are five DIY-wall art ideas we recently saw on Pinterest, and are dying to try.ġ. As many of our clients have proven to us over the years, sometimes, the most elegant, creative, stylish wall decor is made up of flea-market finds, pieces found on Craigslist, family photos, and even art by the kids. As much as we both love and appreciate fine art, we’re also firm believers that what you hang on your walls doesn’t have to be expensive or have historical significance to be beautiful. Bathroom accent walls are the new trending thing and designing one such wall in your space can do wonders.